nvm/test/sourcing/Sourcing nvm.sh should use ...

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die () { echo "$@" ; exit 1; }
\. ../common.sh
# We need to unload nvm again first, as by the time this test is run,
# despite being unloaded in setup, the inherited PATH still contains
# an nvm-installed node version. We have to reset NVM_DIR after the unload.
\. ../../nvm.sh || die 'sourcing returned nonzero exit code'
nvm unload || die 'unloading returned nonzero exit code'
echo '0.10.1' > ../../alias/default || die 'creation of default alias failed'
# Now to begin the real test
\. ../../nvm.sh || die 'sourcing returned nonzero exit code'
NVM_LS_CURRENT_NOT_GREPPED="$(nvm ls current | strip_colors)"
NVM_LS_CURRENT="$(nvm ls current | strip_colors | \grep -o v0.10.1)"
[ "_$NVM_LS_CURRENT" = '_v0.10.1' ] || die "'nvm ls current' did not return '-> v0.10.1', got '$NVM_LS_CURRENT_NOT_GREPPED'"
# NVM_LS_CURRENT_COLORED="$(nvm ls current | sed -n l)"
NVM_ALIAS_DEFAULT="$(nvm alias default | strip_colors)"
[ "_$NVM_ALIAS_DEFAULT" = "_default -> 0.10.1 (-> v0.10.1)" ] \
|| die "'nvm alias default did not return 'default -> 0.10.1 (-> v0.10.1)', got '$NVM_ALIAS_DEFAULT'"