
cleanup () {
  unset -f die cleanup
  unset NVM_SOURCE out
die () { echo $@ ; cleanup ; exit 1; }

NVM_ENV=testing . ../../install.sh

# nvm_source with no parameter returns the git endpoint
echo $(nvm_source) | grep "nvm.git$" > /dev/null || die "nvm_source without arguments should return the location of the git repo" 

# nvm_source with git parameter returns the location of the nvm repo
echo $(nvm_source "git") | grep "nvm.git$" > /dev/null || die "nvm_source without arguments should return the location of the git repo" 

# nvm_source with script parameter returns the location of nvm.sh
echo $(nvm_source "script") | grep "nvm.sh$" > /dev/null || die "nvm_source \"script\" should return the location of nvm.sh"

# nvm_source with script-nvm-exec parameter returns the location of nvm-exec
echo $(nvm_source "script-nvm-exec") | grep "nvm-exec$" > /dev/null || die "nvm_source \"script-nvm-exec\" should return the location of nvm.sh"

# nvm_source with any other parameter errors out and exits
nvm_source "anything" 2> /dev/null && die "nvm_source with invalid parameter should exit"
out=$(nvm_source "anything" 2>&1 >/dev/null) || : #Saving the process here
[ -z "$out" ] && die "nvm_source with invalid parameter should error out"

#nvm_source should always return NVM_SOURCE no matter the parameters
[ "_$out" = "_my_location" ] || die "nvm_source without arguments should have returned \$NVM_SOURCE. Got \"$out\""
out=$(nvm_source "git")
[ "_$out" = "_my_location" ] || die "nvm_source git should have returned \$NVM_SOURCE. Got \"$out\""
out=$(nvm_source "script")
[ "_$out" = "_my_location" ] || die "nvm_source script should have returned \$NVM_SOURCE. Got \"$out\""
out=$(nvm_source "anything")
[ "_$out" = "_my_location" ] || die "nvm_source script should have returned \$NVM_SOURCE. Got \"$out\""
