#!/bin/sh die () { echo $@ ; exit 1; } \. ../../../nvm.sh EXPECTED_OUTPUT='N/A: version "v0.2" is not yet installed. You need to run "nvm install 0.2" to install it before using it.' [ "_$(nvm run 0.2 --version 2>&1)" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "\`nvm run\` with an uninstalled node version failed to error out correctly" EXPECTED_OUTPUT='N/A: version "iojs-v0.2" is not yet installed. You need to run "nvm install iojs-0.2" to install it before using it.' [ "_$(nvm run iojs-0.2 --version 2>&1)" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "\`nvm run\` with an uninstalled iojs version failed to error out correctly"