
die () { echo "$@" ; cleanup ; exit 1; }

cleanup () {
  rm -rf ../../../alias/test

\. ../../../nvm.sh

OUTPUT="$(nvm_alias 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_OUTPUT='An alias is required.'
[ "_$OUTPUT" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "'nvm_alias' produced wrong output; got $OUTPUT"

EXIT_CODE="$(nvm_alias >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?)"
[ "_$EXIT_CODE" = "_1" ] || die "'nvm_alias' exited with $EXIT_CODE, expected 1"

rm -rf ../../../alias/nonexistent

OUTPUT="$(nvm_alias nonexistent 2>&1)"
EXPECTED_OUTPUT='Alias does not exist.'
[ "_$OUTPUT" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "'nvm_alias nonexistent' produced wrong output; got $OUTPUT"

EXIT_CODE="$(nvm_alias nonexistent >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $?)"
[ "_$EXIT_CODE" = "_2" ] || die "'nvm_alias nonexistent' exited with $EXIT_CODE, expected 2"

nvm alias test "$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" || die "'nvm alias test $EXPECTED_OUTPUT' failed"
OUTPUT="$(nvm_alias test)"
[ "_$OUTPUT" = "_$EXPECTED_OUTPUT" ] || die "'nvm_alias test' produced wrong output; got $OUTPUT"
